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As I child I was happily surrounded by culture. My bedroom was full of books; I was taken to concerts, art galleries, museums and festivals.  My curiosity could not be satisfied and thankfully was encouraged by family and friends who found new and interesting things for me to explore.

But as I got older things began to change. Books read for fun were swapped for school books and rote learning, acting classes were sacrificed for a weekend job and attending events became going to the pub to get drunk.  University, usually a time of exploration, didn’t get much better as study, employment and a dip in confidence moved me even further away from these childhood interests.L'Ennui

So right now I am 24 years old, in full time employment with a disposable income, living in a capital city with minimal hobbies and interests. So on the eve of my 25th birthday I say no more! I will reclaim the interests that were once mine and I have decided to share my experience of doing so with all of you. I am hoping to revisit some of my old favourites and to discover some news ones in an attempt to put a bit of sparkle back into my otherwise slightly dull 9-5 routine. I will be taking a look at anything and everything from music, literature, art and food. So I hope you enjoy reading about my exploits and maybe find something new or forgotten about yourself!